Tuesday, June 27, 2006
First day of sch reopen ! lol. so nt use to wake up early. =[ longer break? plz? MOE.

went 2hr of lectures. in fact 1hr, cos tcher early dismiss. hahas. u noe why? the tcher is handsome. muahahs. =DD handsome lecturer rox. =XX
den i submit mc. still on mc. go remove stitches. lol. 1130am appt.
taking stitches is kinda pain n itchy. hahas. the dentist cut the tread n pull. cn feel the pulling. LOL.

den went home slp. took medicine . slpy. den wake up pei mama go bugis. lol. went to change fone. bought sony ericsson w810i. lol. saw jamie, n her 2 cousin. so qiao. lol. den they cnt change. lol. nid adult(above 21) . lol. den my mama help them . lol. went home arnd 11pm . *exhausted.

CHEWY IS RUSHING MI FER THE LIST. shit him. gib mi a break.
sch at 8am tml. ahhh. slping. takecaire everyone. =DD

spoke at : 1:01:00 AM

Thursday, June 22, 2006
i`m tired. sickening bum still dun wan to reduce. painful at times =[[

school gona reopen so SOON! i dun wan sch reopen ! poly life i DUN LIKE!

maths problem solving n cppb report nt done. =[

i watch JUST MY LUCK. is nice. 8/10 =DD

3 more daes to hell days. but i mish ayuni. crappy ger. =)

jamie's back by now.

how i wish:
  1. time stop now. so that i dnt nid go back sch on mon
  2. my swell will reduce. so i will enjoy my hoilday better.
  3. some gud soul will complete my maths problem solving n cppb report for mi.

HAHA. i`m daydreaming. tired zZzz..

spoke at : 11:53:00 PM

1. Do the following WITHOUT complains
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged
4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this


favourite colour: white. blue. black. brown
favourite food: chocolate
favourite song: duno :x
favourite movie: ladder 49?
favourite sport: jogging
favourite day of the week: friday.
favourite season: winter. cold cold. i like. but nvr experience b4. :x
favourite ice-cream: rum n raisin.

current mood: sleepy. lol
current taste: bitter.
current clothes: pink tigger t & mario shorts. LOL.
current desktop: Acer laptop
current toenail: short.
current time: 3:20pm
current surroundings: noisy. radio. bro playing game. bright.
current annoyances: pain . my swollen gum

first best friends: aik ling? gladyn? hahas
first crush: yaoguang? :x opps. pri3? LOL
firstt movie: serving sara?lol cnt rmb. so long.
first lie: too mani lies. cnt rmb
first music: cnt rmb. blue-allrise? ha.

last cigarette: i don't smoke.
last drink: plain water.
last car ride: last fri? go JB
last crush: ehs.long ago . =X
last movie: xmen 3.
last phone call: gladyn. date mi fer shoping.=]
last CD played: haven't listened to a CD for long long tym.

Have you everhave you ever dated your best friend: nope.
have you ever broken the law:yep. i spit saliva. :x
have you ever been arrested: nope. i`m a gud ger. muahahs.
have you ever skinny-dipped: nope..
have you ever been on tv: dun tink so.
have you ever kissed someone you don't know: no!
5 things you are wearing: tshirt.short. ear stud.rubber band. underwear
4 things you done today: brush teeth. ate lunch. eat medicine. switch on the laptop
3 things you can hear right now: radio. mum's chopping veg.sound, bro's com.
1 thing you do when you are bored: sleep.
*5 people to tag? travis. eileen. jamie. xxx. yyy . =X

spoke at : 3:07:00 PM

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
friends forever <3

We might be best friend for one year,
pretty good friend the next year,
don't talk that often the next year,
and don't want to talk at all the year after that.
So, I just wanted to say,
even if I never talk to you again in my life,
you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life, I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you.
Remember, everyone needs a friend,
someday you might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all,
just remember this

and take comfort in knowing
somebody out there cares about you
and always will...


spoke at : 11:13:00 PM

ahhhh. slpt at 530am ytd. but ytd wasnt tired. lol. the match was stupid. trinidad score into their own goal. lol. den paraguay scored. lol. stuupid. woke up at 1plus todae. cnt slp back animore. i took my soft toy family foto =DD

cnt slp. monkey slpt fer mi =)
kapo. =DD

tigger family!
family foto =DD still gt alort more de. but dat tym kor kor kip xiao gui. den at nite will play wib my toys, scary* so i kept some ler =DD
ok. o update again tonite =))


spoke at : 3:04:00 PM

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
operation =(
so hungry n thirsty. haven been drinking a slip of water or eaten fer 12 hrs. went sgh arnd 1050am. i was given 8 days mc =D den i change into the blue coat. so big. lol. unsecure* lol. den i lie on the bed n wait fer my turn. so nervous =[. couldnt slp. though i`m tired. last ntye culdnt slp. too nervous ler. lol. i wait so long eh.1pm still nt my turn yet! jess reach ler. ask her dun cum she cum. den my mama go fetch her in. hahas. she bought mi a voodoo. so cute. is fer gud health n protection de. =D thks jess! hahas. she din slp ehs. so late slp, so early she msg mi ler. alamak* she sae she worry. omg. so swit of her. den abt 2 plus finally my turn ler. the nurse spray sth into my nose n drink it down. so bitter. yucks* culdnt breath lor. hahas. den the nurse hold mi into the operation room.
lol. my mum was luffing at mi wen i took my foto. =X
jess cum visit mi =D

inside so cold lorhs. i lie down on the bed. den my teeth trembling . =( den the nurse cover 2 layer of blanket fer mi n put heat raidator besie mi to warm my feet. =D den they tok to mi, n gt sudden pain =( they poke the needle into my hand le. so big ! den they sae: u will feel sth cold up yr hand. they ask mi breathe in oxygen n they sae : hello hello.... n i dozed off to bed.

awake. the moment i wake up, i was alridi outside. but so giddy. i tried to sit up but so giddy lor. hahas. den i was push to my bed. lol. den i feel like peeing. die. my mum n jess nt back yet. den i ask the nurse. lol. she hold mi to the toilet. i was stumbling to the toilet. so weak. lol. den i vomit. mayb nt use bahs. is arnd 3plus wen i came out. 1hr of operation. mama n jess cum back ler. kip coughing . den mouth all blood. yucks. i cnt spit tings out of my mouth. mus use tissue to wipe them out. lol. den i slpt awhile. den wake up arnd 4 sth. change n go home. lol. jess, mum and mi took cab home.

chicken. the taxi driver so noisy. damm it. headache. he tok so loud. n non- stop. tok wat govt unfair. bias. chicken. nt interested can? shut up. i cnt tok. if nt , i ask him shhhhh. lol. finally! reach ler, ask him drive jess to st geroge he sae cnt, he nid go back amk liaos. den jess tk bus back frm my hse here. lol. go home slp ler. haf to change to cotton bud in my mouth every now n den. will overflow. LOL. den went to slp.

wake up is alridi 8plus ler. hungry. haven been eating fer almost 18 hrs. mum went to buy congee fer mi. my mouth onli can open to abt max of 4cm ytd. i use straw to drink the congee. hahas. den took medicine. jiu sleepy ler. hahas. n i slpt again. zZzZ...

Day 2
wake up at 8am to eat medicine. lol. watch abit of cartoon den slpy liaos. all bcos the medicine. hahas. den siti msg mi. she sae she dreamt of mi ! so furnie. she sae i consoling her. whahas. den i went back slp again =X den idiot basket cor mi. went to haf lunch wib him. tekka market. my face so swollen. ugly =( den market din sell congee, he bought the wrong one. lol. he went tekka mall buy =) thankiew!. haf to use straw to suck up the congee. wet home to take medicine n slp... zZzz

wrong porridge =X

wake up at 830pm. drank soya bean . =) hahas. ate some dessert also. like baby food. den i ate some dessert like baby food. mama sae is " yao dou" . hahas. gt peanut taste. nt bad. but too much very bleahx =p hahas. den i ate rice! finally. but mama smash the rice wib abit water. until no more grain-structure. hahas. den i ate bit by bit. today my mouth can open to abt 7cm le. HAHA. beta =D. watching da chang jin now. going end ler. now den i noe huang shang so gud. hahas. tml last episode le!


spoke at : 9:06:00 PM

Sunday, June 18, 2006
is fathers dae! i hug n wish my dad a happi fathers dae. =D lol. went bugis shooping wib my sis. lol. shiok men. i spend almost 100. lol. not much allowance left fer next week ! how? still gt to eat diner wib yiwen, my pri sch gathering, my camp fwends gathering. no $$ . =( lol. but has been a long tym since i go shopping wib my sis. =D she help mi pay some. nt bad hur =X hahas. den we faster go home. is alridi 7:05pm. lol. suppose haf dinner wib family at 7pm. hees. dad waiting fer us at home liaos. den we went down the restaurant to eat. lol. igt cold crab again! dis is nicer n more expensive =X gt orh ni again , but dat tym tt one nicer eh. i like the prawn roll. ate 1onli. cos is fried. tml is my operation dae. =( mama sae i can watch the 12am match. so gona watch den slp at 2am. aniwae, tml is at 11am. so nvm =D hahas. nervous * is my first operation. so scared. hope i an fall into slp tonite.
JAMIE COR mi jus now after my dinner. woooo.. i saw a weird no. cor. lol. so happy! hahas. so swit of her to cor n remind mi to slp early tonite. i start to mish her alridi. hahas. she cuming back arnd 9pm on thur (22/6) lol. 4pm flight frm shanghai to singapore. =D

is DARREN still angry? LOL =X

spoke at : 10:17:00 PM

Saturday, June 17, 2006
Johor Bahru =D
went johor bahru todae with my mum, n her 2 other fwend n one of her son. super quiet de. lol. was damm lazy in the morning. feeling sick. told my mum dun wan go. n she sae go la go la... argh* so i went. is 1010am wen i woke up, n her fwend cuming at 1030am. whahahas. i kin kin bath n get ready . wooo. i 1040am manage to rush down. heng she late. hahas. den we go the other fwend hse fetch her. is a ah ma. lol. kinda furnie. hahas. we travel about 45 min to reach JB. the whole journey i was so giddy, feeling like vomiting. den i ren , ren, REN, den reach a restaurant cor teck sing, i rush in the toilet n *bleahs* i puke =D. wahahas. SHIOK men. but feeling weak. i ate abit of rice n some veggie aft tt. the food was nice, jus i no appetite. WASTED.den we went some wu lu shop. i stay in the car wib the ah boy. den the 3 auntie go shop. i fall aslp. wahahas. they bought alort tings lor. den i woke up, i wan pee. faster ask my mum bring mi go find toilet xD hahas. ther shoping centre also gt street inside de. gt one cor nui ren jie "ladies street". LOL. den we gt pass by CITY SQ. terence sae the movie 5ringgit nia. CHEAP CHEAP. but din go in dere. ( i came home den noe dat my bro went in jb to watch movie as well. he watch tokyo drift, today is 10 ringgit. lol. he sae very nice ehs. )

we went a new shoppig ctr cor JUSCO. alort shops . gt levis, mango, body shop, roxy, ripcurl, topman.. cant finish naming. their supermart is 3 storey high. aniting also sell lo. hahas. their security damm furnie. their uniform *yeaks* got one peacok fur frm their hat. so ugly. far u can spot is them liaos. i forget take camera out. left it inside the car. so i gt to use my hp. =(

oh. den i saw erica lee n julian hee at this mococa chocolate shop , fliming advertisement. julian hee damm fit la, erica lee so skinny. den i overheard a msian conversation: " ta hen shou eh!" (she so skinny) lol. she so excited, toking on fone. lol. after dat, i saw barney. alort kids queueing up to take foto wib them. hahas. i took some too xD

no more barney :( LOL
den we went in mango. lol. the shop is like 3 tyms bigger den the one located opposite far east plaza lor. but weird. there's not a single soul inside lar. (onli those in black- promoter )

the restaurant dere.
some stuff i saw. =)
den go eat early dinner, cos i hungry ler. ate medicine, den vomit, ate little bit fer lunch onli. we went dis hongkong style restaurant eat. alort nice food ehs. lol. i order french toast. their french toast so thick . about 4 cm lor. den the butter is 2cm thick with abit of condense milk. quite nice but abit too... bleahs* din finish. i shared cheese fish baked rice with mama. is steam in a long de. those u use to steam xiao long bao de. hahas.
my french toast. c the thick layer of butter. yucks *

stoney ah boi xD

den wen we walk out. i spoted mei zhen xiang. lol. is so classy lor. compare to ours. lol hahas.

den we walk arnd. gt those machine fer ppl print hp fotos de. singapore also gt. dere print 1 piece onli 1 ringgit lor. equal SGD 0.50 nia. hahas. singapore print 2 bucks ehs. i print 2 pieces. =D den we saw ppl selling this 21/2 semi bunglow. so nice lor. hahas. cheap also. budden , security no gud. gt robbery de.lol. hahas. cnt buy, so i took foto.

aft that , we went jusco supermarket. they gt sell beautiful flowers. cheap cheap also. valentine dae can cum buy. 20 ringgit fer one bouquet. lol.

nice hor. one guy took the flower to smell n walk arnd. aft dat, he cum back put. lol. he suck up all the fragrance liaos lo -.-
my mum =D

is time to leave. sunset is beautiful. i`m feeling alort beter liaos. weee. =)

at nite. go jamie hse. gib her stuff. she going shang hai tml ler. gona mish her. 4 days ehs. lol. den mit shu n fie take stuff.


my longest entry. tired *yawns*

spoke at : 12:17:00 AM

Friday, June 16, 2006
suprise tra!

todae. (15/06/06)- we went tra hse suprise him! lol. hahas. his belated bdae suprise. =D hahas. we found our way dere . so humid! headache* lol. den we was banging loud on his door. muahahas. he mus had a shock! woo hooo. :) den he open door :" ahhh!" lol. he sae he told somtym to recover frm the shcok. muahahas. some play maghjong, some play poker, i watch tv, n some play com. hahas. we spotted a small pot of porridge. tra cook dat. is nice . *yum yum * i ate , jus dat the peanut i dun like =X lol. we left arnd 6. feeling giddy. headache. i mish the fun. they was playing den mi n shu in the room watch kang xi lai ler.his bed is like QUEEN size bed lor. so shiok ! hahas. hahas =D has been a long tym since i saw maos. finally, all came . =D muahahas.

spoke at : 11:53:00 PM

Thursday, June 15, 2006
4e2 gathering cum eileen bdae :)
TODAE(14june) - was 4e2 gathering. at eileen hse. has been some tym since we last went eileen hse fer gathering ler. hahas. nt mani shown up. lol. is happy to see ppl like junsheng, shuying they all. long tym din see them le. real long. hahas. woke up late. so by the tym i finish making chocolate fer eileen, is already 130 pm! late late. sulas n peter left liaos by the tym we reach. lol. nt mani ppl change ehs. still quite the same. jus **** ** change abit. =XX LOL. sore thorat. idiot basket cut his hair . =D i saw jesslyn todae. :) jiaen bdae is cuming. hahas.


spoke at : 2:07:00 AM


zhen hui`
23 February 1989
Singapore Polytechnic - DCP 2B/24
Photobucket: http://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j100/monkey-eat-banana/
Friendster: swit_dreamz@hotmail.com
Msn : wongzhenhui@hotmail.com
Skype : skype_zhenhui



] `ma0s. ] `aishah. ] `ayuni. ] `carene.
] `duke. ] `diana. ] `effie. ] `eileen. ] `eunice. ] `farhana. ] `felicia.
] `fengling. ] `hans. ] `huatjin. ] `huiying. ] `jay. ] `jeremy. ] `junling.
] `kathy. ] `kaixuan. ] `kenneth.
] `lingyi. ] `lisin. ] `namira. ] `nura. ] `puisauw. ] `raazamy. ] `cwan.
] `shaoling. ] `siewling. ] `terry. ] `travis. ] `yinqian. ] `yiwen. ] `zikai. ] `zim.

] `sprc


June 2006
July 2006
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007


Brushes: H-G
Designer: I

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