Thursday, September 20, 2007
my blog is so dead. is closing down. so i have to blog. yes. i hafta blog. climb on. camp 5. working. holidays are so short! unfair. other poly start late. Sp is always the 1st, why?!!
photos time!:CLIMB ON 2007 at tampines
everyone shag & tired
he had a bomb ytd at his house :X

is syu's bday!
spoke at : 2:30:00 AM
Saturday, August 04, 2007
A person can do sumthing stupid when you are sub-consicious. and i did it ytd. Only to realised after 30 mins later but it's too late, tears rolled down ):exam exam is here. a series of activities gona stop. shopping. climbing. sleeping late. blogging and many many more. i need is last day of climbing until exam finish. yep. and im determine to do so! (: i need to catch up on all those tutorials that's piling up. i want to go camp5! why sudden change of dates ): ma0s.! meet up soon! shu. feli. dis holiday hur (: and brother, im sry that i cnt make it to go home with u everytime. sry! tue. ((:and my dear ayuni. get well soon ! u are still strong!rest of the peeps! good luck for exam! mug hard! is gona be over soon ((:
spoke at : 11:44:00 PM
Sunday - Harry potter with my class! it was nice watching movie with them. FUN! lol. jing was luffing non stop. spiderman. lord of the rings. hahaha. thanks samantha aka mo gu tou! u rocks! i did sumting bad continously for 2 days ): we sneak in with 1 lesser tix. ):

Sat - and we ran off without paying for food on sat night ):
spoke at : 2:33:00 AM
spoke at : 1:46:00 AM
spoke at : 11:24:00 PM
unfinish assignment. ): piling up. tutorial. quiz. drown mi ):
climbing destress (: but drain mi . haha.
random entry ((:
spoke at : 10:52:00 PM
spoke at : 11:08:00 PM